Customer Testimonials

Rainbow and Spoon is my favourite shop, love the clothes, the accessories and all the lovely gifty bits and pieces. I still have things I bought over 10 years ago, that's how good the quality is and how much I love their things. Bright, great for the larger lady and unique.
Cathy Ferrett

What a beautiful find, beautiful selection a true treasure trove!"

Lorna Hesford

Such a fab place for a great gift, something gorgeous to wear, and something just that little bit different. In my personal opinion, the best boutique in Oxford. Just wish I could buy everything in it!

Cally Palmer

This is the best independent boutique in Oxfordshire for ladies clothes and gifts. I never fail to find something I love either for me or as a present.

Karen Brookes

Such a gorgeous shop with an amazing selection of beautiful clothes & accessories!
I got such such a lovely unique top which I know I won’t be bumping into anywhere else! And such helpful service!
A shop I’ll definitely return to!!

Mandy Makepeace

A treasure trove of wonderful clothing, bags, jewellery and other pretty things. Warm and friendly customer service. 
I love the Rainbow and Spoon Boutique.

Mashuda Glencross

You can find the perfect unique gift at Rainbow and Spoon, and there’s lots of clothes and accessories for you, too.

They excel at offering the personal touch, and are always friendly.

Caroline Oates

Would always much rather give my £s to a small local independent business EVERY TIME, a unique and beautiful shop that has stood the test of time. 
A stones throw from a mass of corporate chains commonly known as the Westgate shopping centre Rainbow and Spoon Boutique is by far the pleasenter shopping experience.

Cait Sweeney